NeighbourLink draws volunteers from a network of churches in Chatham-Kent. We partner together to provide practical help to those in need by connecting them with individuals who can help and relevant existing services in the community.
Chatham-Kent Christians have been working together through NeighbourLink since 2005.
Coldest Night of the Year
Annual Fundraiser
NeighbourLink's Coldest Night of the Year 2024 walk was a great success! With your help, we exceeded our fundraising goal! The funds raised will support NeighbourLink's work among the hungry, homeless, and hurting here in Chatham-Kent. You can click here to watch a brief video on why we gather, or click Learn More below to read more about CNOY.
aWAY Opportunities
aWAY Opportunities is a seasonal program of NeighbourLink that enables local needy kids to attend summer camp at Kenesserie or Adullam at no charge. It is coordinated by Rose Scott who is an Education Assistant in Chatham. The young students get to do things like canoeing, hiking and other fun summer activities.
Street Frenz
Street Frenz is a local ministry that distributes sandwiches to Chatham's homeless community weekly.
Financial Education
with CAP Money Course
NeighbourLink offers the Christians Against Poverty money management course a few times a year. This free family and personal budgeting course is designed to equip participants to manage their finances well. A friend of NeighbourLink also offers a free income tax service to individuals who make under $30,000 a year.
It used to be that when a problem arose in someone's life, the community would “wrap around” them and together they would overcome the challenge. WrapAround operates in the same way. Church, neighbourhood, and community volunteers come alongside families to make something good happen in the life of someone they care about. Pictured above are the WrapAround facilitators.
Celebrate Recovery meetings take place locally at the First Reformed Church at the corner of Lacroix Street and Indian Creek Road
(632 Lacroix St, Chatham).
Starting September 10, they will meet weekly on Tuesdays from 7:00-8:30PM. For more details, please call Jay Pluim at
(519) 354-8257.
A/C Unit & Fan Drive
NeighbourLink Chatham-Kent has been receiving requests from low-income people for good used air conditioners or fans to help them get through the sweltering summer days that lie ahead. If you would like to donate a used working A/C unit or fan(s), please contact
the NeighbourLink office during business hours at (519) 352-5647 or send an email to