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"Then the King will say to those on his right, 'Come, you who are blessed by my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world. For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you clothed me, I was sick and you visited me, I was in prison and you came to me.'"

(Matthew 25:34–36)

Who We Are

NeighbourLink represents a network of churches in Chatham-Kent partnered together to provide practical help to those in need by linking them to supportive volunteers or existing services.

NeighbourLink has created a centralized database and telephone resource center to assess people’s needs and refer them to the most appropriate resources within the community. Scroll down to see how the NeighbourLink referral process works.

Chatham-Kent churches have been operating together through NeighbourLink since 2005. Numerous volunteers donate thousands of hours each year to meet the needs of many including the most vulnerable within our communities.

NeighbourLink Chatham-Kent is incorporated and is a registered Canadian charity. It is operated by a board of directors composed of individuals from member churches. NeighbourLink Chatham-Kent is an affiliate member of the Canadian Centre for Christian Charities (also called the 4 "C"s or CCCC).

How We Help

When we get a call about someone in need, whether from a local church, agency, or a concerned individual, a few different things may happen. NeighbourLink will assess the call and refer the individual to resources best equipped to provide help and support. This could include a local social agency or volunteers from local churches who are ready and willing to help.


The NeighbourLink office is the hub that makes service to those in need possible and our dedicated volunteer office staff put things in motion! Thanks to all our office staff and volunteers who work to connect people in need to people who can help!


Providing free

transportation for those in need is probably the biggest service NeighbourLink provides. For those without vehicles or convenient access to public transit, our volunteers will make sure they get to their medical appointments, the grocery store or the bank.



During the COVID-19 pandemic, NeighbourLink got into the food delivery business, helping those who find it difficult to pay rent and buy enough groceries. Call us to see if you qualify at

(519) 352-5647.



Recognizing that loneliness

is a big problem in Chatham-Kent and elsewhere, NeighbourLink offers in-person friendly visits & phone calls to those who are isolated. NeighbourLink's friendly visitor/phone buddy program is for people who need regular conversations with people.

Friendly visits & phone buddies


NeighbourLink offers a free family and personal budgeting course called the CAP Money Course. There are periodic courses throughout the year facilitated by NeighbourLink: fall, winter and spring. From time to time NeighbourLink conducts daytime CAP courses for those

who have busy evenings.

Personal finance training


Sometimes NeighbourLink volunteers pitch in together and do yard work and small home repairs for those who are unable to do the work themselves. Sometimes volunteers work together with others to do much bigger projects.

the home


NeighbourLink staff

& volunteers gather during the week to pray for the needs of the community and people they serve. We would love to pray for you too! Submit a prayer request below.

Prayer ministry

How We Help
Our Supporting Churches



Interested in becoming a supporting church?
Click here to get in touch with us.


